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Bedrag Season 3/Follow The Money,Follow the Money III,Bedrag III

Bedrag Season 3高清BT下载

      Bedrag Season 3剧情介绍

        关于腐败、洗钱和身份盗窃的北欧黑话。当一个快要精疲力竭的侦探和一个控制欲极强的罪犯玩着猫捉老鼠的游戏时,我们遇到了一个银行职员,他经常被传职,以至于她一时冲动,决定以更有成效的方式运用自己的技能。 A Nordic Noir story of corruption, money laundering, and identity theft. While a detective on the verge of burnout and a control freak criminal play a game of cat and mouse, we meet a bank employee who has been passed over for promotion so often that she makes a spur of the moment decision to use her skills in a more productive manner.
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      • 游客2019-02-13
          关于腐败、洗钱和身份盗窃的北欧黑话。当一个快要精疲力竭的侦探和一个控制欲极强的罪犯玩着猫捉老鼠的游戏时,我们遇到了一个银行职员,他经常被传职,以至于她一时冲动,决定以更有成效的方式运用自己的技能。   A Nordic Noir story of corruption money laundering and identity theft. While a detective on the verge of burnout and a control freak criminal play a game of cat and mouse we meet a bank employee who has been passed over for promotion so often that she makes a spur of the moment...


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