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英勇废柴/Heroic Losers

Based on the book from Eduardo Sacheri The Night of the Heroic Losers (Alfaguara Novel Prize 2016). ……
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      Based on the book from Eduardo Sacheri The Night of the Heroic Losers (Alfaguara Novel Prize 2016). In a far-flung town in the province of Buenos Aires, many things are about to die out. During the economic crisis that led to the traumatic bank freeze of 2001, a group of men decides to gather the amount of money necessary to acquire some abandoned silos on an agro-industrial property. But even before they can carry out the project, a scam makes them hit rock bottom and react in the face of injustice. Now it's about robbing the thief. This novel narrates the story of a well-deserved collective revenge carried out during a legendary night that will never be forgotten.
    温馨提示:您正在浏览的"《英勇废柴》BT种子下载"的剧情介绍来自于[www.ainapian.com-就爱那片儿],如果您喜欢本站,请推荐给您的朋友,谢谢您的支持! 最后更新:


    • 游客2020-04-16
        based on the book from Eduardo Sacheri The Night of the Heroic Losers (Alfaguara Novel Prize 2016). In a far-flung town in the province of Buenos Aires many things are about to die out. During the economic crisis that led to the traumatic bank freeze of 2001 a group of men decides to gather the amount of money necessary to acquire some abandoned silos on an agro-industrial ...

    • 游客2020-04-16
      “及格水平 ‘一个月内换了五届总统’有被笑到”

    • 游客2020-04-16
      如果之前看过Un Cuento Chino就知道该导的画风 这部同样是走带有温情色彩的黑色小品路线 联想到阿根廷近年的经济危机 还多了几分现实映射意义. 群戏中大家各自发挥出色 两位达林多年来首次共演还是真演父子 火花和默契自然不必多说. 另外感觉语言及典故隔阂还是明显存在的 每次在圣塞看西语片观众反应比在法语/英语国家热烈得多(以及 见一次感慨一次 无论是电影里还是真人Chino...

    • 游客2020-04-16

    • 游客2020-04-16


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