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恐怖小说/Christopher Roth

  • Max Sender
  • 比利时,意大利
  • 0集
  • 2010
  • 100分钟
  • 0.0010144
◎文件大小 1CD 49 x 15MB ◎片 长 100 Mins ◎导 演 马克西姆·亚历山大 Maxime Alexand……


      ◎文件大小 1CD 49 x 15MB
      ◎片 长 100 Mins
      ◎导 演 马克西姆·亚历山大 Maxime Alexandre ....(as Max Sender)
      ◎主 演 乔昆姆·德·阿尔梅达 Joaquim de Almeida ....Christopher Roth
      安娜·加列娜 Anna Galiena ....Catherine Roth
      本·戈扎那 Ben Gazzara ....Paul Andersen
      娜塔莉·雷普提·戈麦斯 Nathalie Rapti Gomez
      Francesco Guzzo ....Erik Cardelli
      Inigo Placido ....Filippo
      Jessica Bonanni ....Giovanna Cardelli

      ◎简 介
      A horror novelist begins to fear his stories may have a life of their own.
      Bestselling horror novelist Christopher Roth (Joaquim De Almeida) feels in need of a change, the gruesome ideas in his novels are starting to take over his dreams and have him asking the question: How long before I become one of the insane killers I write about? In need of a break, he and his wife Catherine head off to a remote house in Umbria, Italy. Roth starts work on a new romantic novel and all seems to be going well but it s not long before this idyllic world is shattered. A young couple is brutally murdered in the woods near the Roths rented house, and Catherine has disappeared. A letter from the killer is on Christopher s table, accompanied by a horrific photo ... and here begins the Roths worst nightmare. A nightmare whose violence is greater than anything Christopher had ever envisioned.
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