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飞机头/A Trunfa

  • 比尔·普莱姆顿
  • 美国
  • 1集
  • 2004
  • 78分钟
  • 7.501011
Hair High is a gothic high-school comedy with a Carrie-like story. Cherri and Rod are the high-schoo……


          Hair High is a gothic high-school comedy with a Carrie-like story. Cherri and Rod are the high-school king and queen and they justifiably rule their domain. Spud, the new kid in town, accidentally offends both Cherri and Rod and so is forced to become Cherri's slave. Naturally, they immediately hate each other, but of course later they fall in love. Cherri and Spud secretly decide to go to the prom together, and on prom night a rejected Rod forces their car off the road and into the lake. In true 50's ballad style, their car sinks to the bottom of the lake as they share one last kiss. While the bodies of Cherri and Spud lie in a timeless embrace, Rod is successful in thwarting any investigation and is able to get away with murder. On the night of the following year's prom, the car magically comes to life and slowly drives out of the lake with Cherri and Spud...
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