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反抢夺小组/The Cop in Blue Jeans

  • Bruno Corbucci
  • 意大利
  • 0集
  • 1976
  • 95分钟
  • 0.001025
Enjoyed this Italian Film, which had comedy, drama and plenty of gang-buster shootings and mob tortu……


          Enjoyed this Italian Film, which had comedy, drama and plenty of gang-buster shootings and mob torture. Women seemed to get their clothes ripped off and also slapped in the face back and forth. There was some very clever old and young thieves who managed to rip off plenty of men and woman. Some of the police were former crooks and at times used this experience in their detective plans to catch the big mob fences, who did money laundering through out the country. Jack Palance of course played the king pin and was a bad guy who hid in an American Embassy. This is definitely a very low budget film, but great to see Jack Palance trying to make a few bucks.
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          • 动漫
