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丹麦群星科恩致敬演唱会/Koncertfilm med Leonard Cohen-sange på dansk

  • 马丁·德·瑟拉
  • Denmark
  • 0集
  • 2004
  • 0分钟
  • 0.0010154
After the release of a 16-track Leonard Cohen tribute album the preceding summer, most of the artist……


        After the release of a 16-track Leonard Cohen tribute album the preceding summer, most of the artists gathered for a one-night-only concert at Store Vega in Copenhagen in September of 2004. Released on DVD in November and aired by Danish television in December of the same year, the concert recording features a wide variety of Denmark's best musical talent performing Cohen songs with new, Danish lyrics penned by the artists themselves or by Anders Dohn for whom the idea for a tribute album had originated in a hobby project. Written by Peter Brandt Nielsen
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      • 游客2019-01-07
          After the release of a 16-track Leonard Cohen tribute album the preceding summer most of the artists gathered for a one-night-only concert at Store Vega in Copenhagen in September of 2004. Released on DVD in November and aired by Danish television in December of the same year the concert recording features a wide variety of Denmark's best musical talent performing Cohen songs...


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