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沙发羁绊/Couch Connections

  • Christoph Pehofer
  • 奥地利
  • 0集
  • 2020
  • 75分钟
  • 0.00107
Christoph Pehofer took a nine-month journey through North America and Asia. Staying in hostels was a……


          Christoph Pehofer took a nine-month journey through North America and Asia. Staying in hostels was a rare alternative. What he did instead was sleeping in complete strangers' living rooms - Couchsurfing is the concept behind this. The world seems to separate people more than connecting them. A private couch shows a place of approach and strangers becoming friends. Therefore, the main focus of the film is on the people which participate in Couchsurfing and their great diversity. His hosts couldn't have been more different from one another: from a 21-year-old student in a student dorm, to a family in which three generations take part in Couchsurfing, to a nudist in Manhattan and a transgender in Bangkok.
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