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中间爱情/爱来得刚好/中间人/中爱/万年老二的爱情/中间人的爱/中爱工程/中间人之爱/中间人的爱情/พี่เจตคนกลาง : Middle Love/Middleman's Loveพี่เจตคนกลาง/Middleman's love Series/Middleman Phee Jet/Phee Jet Khon Klang/Middle Love Project/Middle Love

迷你剧 杰德是平面设计师,他永远是中间的那个“老二”。他在学校成绩一般。他身边的人要么是他的兄弟姐妹……


        Jade works as a graphic designer. He is always the one in the middle. Middle child. He has got an average grade in school. People around him either his siblings or his friends are so good-looking that he has always been overlooked or becomes just a middleman for those Who want to know his siblings and friends personally. Jade has been in this situation for years and has to accept it unwillingly. He has built a high wall in his heart. He does not expect a romantic relationship since he has learned that whoever comes to him just want to get close to the people around him. One day, his office welcomes an intern called Mai. Mai is an attractive student Who is popular among the girls in the office. Jade notices that Mai often stares at him and his friend, Uea. He thinks Mai is interested in Uea, and yes- he will become a middleman for this again. But, he does not know that the one Who actually catches Mai's eye is him. Let's see what will happen when the middleman will not be overlooked as before!
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