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真爱之路/The Road to Love/The Path to Love

  • Rémi Lange
  • 法国
  • 0集
  • 2001
  • 70分钟
  • 6.20102
Plot Summary : This romantic-kitsch story goes from Paris to Marseille, from Amsterdam to Morocco v……
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        Plot Summary :
        This romantic-kitsch story goes from Paris to Marseille, from Amsterdam to Morocco via Jean Genet's grave in Larache, and on to Tangiers. The movie tells the story of an Algerian-French heterosexual young man beginning a sociology study of gay islamic homosexualities and discovering gay love with a young French steward.
        French Algerian Karim (Karim Tarek) is a student in Paris and spends his time with his girlfriend Sihem (Sihem Benamoune).
        法国人Algerian Karim是巴黎的一个学生,他跟她女朋友Sihemi一起生活。
        He happens to view a television program about the gay life in Egypt in the 20th century, a life that allowed gay relationships and even marriages so along as the men gave up the lifestyle when they eventually married women.
        His interest in the subject results in a sociology project of interviewing gay Arab men to explore contemporary gay lifestyles.
        After a few aborted attempts (Karim is not sufficiently comfortable with the subject matter to gain the trust of his interviewees) Karim encounters Farid (Farid Tali), a gay, well-adjusted, quietly seductive handsome Algerian lad who not only agrees to be interviewed, but also finds ways to assist Karim with his project.
        Chemistry develops and the two depart Paris to visit Marseilles and Morocco and Karim discovers why the subject of choice fascinates him so!
        The beauty of this film lies in the honesty in which it is written, directed, acted, and edited.
        Not only are we allowed to explore a subject matter few of us knew (Islamic homosexuality history and social mores), we are also presented with one of the more tender love stories on film - tender because it is not overt but rather because it is so naturally evolved.
        The actors are excellent and though they feel as though they are first time, off the street recruits, they find the core of the script and make the story beautiful.
      温馨提示:您正在浏览的"《真爱之路》BT种子下载"的剧情介绍来自于[www.ainapian.com-就爱那片儿],如果您喜欢本站,请推荐给您的朋友,谢谢您的支持! 最后更新:



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