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仲夏夜的疯狂/Midsummer Madness

  • Alexander Hahn
  • Latvia,英国,奥地利,俄罗斯
  • 0集
  • 2007
  • 94分钟
  • 0.0010192
Janu Nakts (St. John's Night) is a traditional Latvian celebration during which family and friends g……


      Janu Nakts (St. John's Night) is a traditional Latvian celebration during which family and friends gather to build bonfires, barbecue, drink and generally have a good time. According to legend, lovers and those who would like to fall in love, can search the woods for the "magic fern" on this night. This magic fern serves as the focus and pivotal point of the six stories in "Midsummer Madness" It is also a metaphor for the film's underlying theme - finding love. "MIDSUMMER MADNESS " is reflected in the recurring element of the magic fern, a metaphor (both in the film and in real life) for love. The question posed by the film is: can a search for love ever be successful? Each story deals with this question. An answer is provided at the film's conclusion in a humorous and unforgettable way: we see the legendary fern, glowing magically in a meadow. It exists after all! Then a cow ambles along and eats it...
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      • 游客2019-01-08
          Janu Nakts (St. John's Night) is a traditional Latvian celebration during which family and friends gather to build bonfires barbecue drink and generally have a good time. According to legend lovers and those who would like to fall in love can search the woods for the magic fern on this night. This magic fern serves as the focus and pivotal point of the six stories in Mid...


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