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情歌系列之信念/Love Songs Love Series: Belief/Love Songs Love Series: Kwarm Cheua

  • 未录入
  • 泰国
  • 5集
  • 2018
  • 60分钟
  • 0.001031



        Kit is a model student who's going to receive a scholarship to study abroad. But problems arise and Olarn came to inform that Kit and 4 other students won't receive the scholarship. The only way to solve this problem is that all of them must gather to form a band to compete in place of the old school band. Kit therefore gathered Tam, Farang, Tao, Ki and Fang. They're not confident that they'll win the competition and they face various obstacles, but Teacher Ben is always there to help encourage them.

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      • 游客2020-04-02
          Kit is a model student who's going to receive a scholarship to study abroad. But problems arise and Olarn came to inform that Kit and 4 other students won't receive the scholarship. The only way to solve this problem is that all of them must gather to form a band to compete in place of the old school band. Kit therefore gathered Tam Farang Tao Ki and Fang. They're not confid...


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