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德性 第一季/The Virtues

德性 第一季高清BT下载
  • 西恩·迈德斯
  • 英国
  • 4集
  • 2019
  • 0分钟
  • 0.0010106

      德性 第一季剧情介绍

      约瑟夫(Joseph)没有直系亲属的生活,几十年来,他一直试图忘记-如果不积极地对饮料和毒品感到迷惑,那将是他的过去。 遭受宿醉的痛苦-干旱结束-他离开了现在的生活,登上一艘开往爱尔兰的船,以应对他在医疗系统中度过的童年,他不得不忘记的朦胧,令人恐惧的记忆。 约瑟夫在情感上和身体上都受到了破坏,与一个难以置信的安娜(Helen Behan,这是英格兰的88和90)团聚,这是他从小就没有见过的姐姐。 安娜说服她机警的丈夫迈克尔(弗兰克·拉弗蒂(Michael Frank Collins);弗兰克·拉弗提(Michael Collins))留下约瑟夫,并让他在家族建筑公司工作。 约瑟夫在那儿与克雷基(马克·奥哈洛兰)面对面时被迫直接面对自己过去的恶魔,这是一个阴暗的人物,他被黑暗的谣言缠住,不会离开约瑟夫。 当约瑟夫立即被吸引到...时,他不稳定的家庭团聚更加复杂。

        With no immediate family to live for, Joseph is haunted by a past he has tried, for decades, to forget - if not actively obscure with drink and drugs. Suffering the hangover from hell - the dry spell over - he walks away from his present life and boards a boat bound for Ireland to confront hazy, fear-inducing memories from a childhood spent in the care system that he's had to forget. Emotionally and physically wrecked, Joseph reunites with an incredulous Anna (Helen Behan, This is England '88 and '90), the sister he hasn't seen since childhood. Anna persuades her wary husband Michael (Frank Laverty; Michael Collins) to let Joseph stay and give him work in the family-owned building company. There, Joseph is forced to directly confront the demons of his past when he comes face to face with Craigy (Mark O'Halloran), a shadowy figure who is dogged by dark rumors, and who won't leave Joseph alone. Joseph's precarious family reunion is further complicated when he is immediately drawn to ...

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      • 游客2020-09-21
        Graham必须演坏蛋,否则一无是处的平凡窝囊形象能让人同情到肝肠寸断。结果这就说中了。第二集开头差点关停,他一张嘴说话心就难受,实在看不下去,然后第三集又被他爱尔兰的姐姐骂到捧腹。Shane Meadows这次真没手软,还是PJ配乐献声,感觉一击重拳击向人死心还在的大主教McQuaid,顺便撂倒好多剧迷。

      • 游客2020-09-21

      • 游客2020-09-21
          With no immediate family to live for Joseph is haunted by a past he has tried for decades to forget - if not actively obscure with drink and drugs. Suffering the hangover from hell - the dry spell over - he walks away from his present life and boards a boat bound for Ireland to confront hazy fear-inducing memories from a childhood spent in the care system that he's had to f...


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