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无语祈祷/Unanswered Prayers

Ben Beck在结束他的足球生涯后回到了故乡小镇,并加入了一家建筑公司。 After his football car……


        Ben Beck在结束他的足球生涯后回到了故乡小镇,并加入了一家建筑公司。 After his football career, Ben Beck returned to his Virginia small town and joined the family building firm. His family happiness with wife Lorrie and adolescent son Jessie is suddenly tested by the return of Ben's first high-school love, Ava Andersson, who visits from Chicago, after a failed marriage, to bury her ma. Ava seduces Ben into reliving their courtship, which she traumatically broke off without a goodbye. Jesse reacts furiously, even backseats his own football scholarship bid, rather pa's projected ambition, in favor of a writing summer course .
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      • 游客2019-01-08
          Ben Beck在结束他的足球生涯后回到了故乡小镇,并加入了一家建筑公司。   After his football career Ben Beck returned to his Virginia small town and joined the family building firm. His family happiness with wife Lorrie and adolescent son Jessie is suddenly tested by the return of Ben's first high-school love Ava Andersson who visits from Chicago after a failed marriage to bury her ma. Ava seduces Ben into r...


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