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  • Nikolay Kudryashov
  • 俄罗斯
  • 0集
  • 2016
  • 85分钟
  • 0.001080
Rectangular ring and two teams of fighters opposite each other. When the forces are over, the comrad……
  • 高速在线2
  • 高速在线8


      Rectangular ring and two teams of fighters opposite each other. When the forces are over, the comrade is replaced by the one behind him... This is Sparta! A new spectacular kind of martial arts. Sparta for the former champion in fights without rules Nikolay is the only opportunity to return to the big sport and solve all the problems that fell on him three years ago: a fight for the honor of a friend and prison, betrayal of a lover and refusal of a coach to return to the team. Together with loyal friends, the athlete is ready to challenge the whole world, and his future life will be the stake in the battles.
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    • 游客2021-01-08
        Rectangular ring and two teams of fighters opposite each other. When the forces are over the comrade is replaced by the one behind him... This is Sparta! A new spectacular kind of martial arts. Sparta for the former champion in fights without rules Nikolay is the only opportunity to return to the big sport and solve all the problems that fell on him three years ago: a fight fo...


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