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蓝眼瞳女孩/Death Has Blue Eyes

Description: On their latest endeavor, con artists Robert and Ches become involved with a psychic wh……


          Description: On their latest endeavor, con artists Robert and Ches become involved with a psychic who recruits them for her protection while incognito in Greece. Tses, a greek gigolo and petty swindler, and his friend Bob, who has just arrived in Athens, are called to protect Geraldine and her mysterious daughter, Christine, from a gang that threatens their life. After adventurous car chases and shootouts, the two friends will be seized by the gang and their leader will inform them that Geraldine is an East-German spy, who has kidnapped Cristine (who posesses telepathic abilities) in order to use her to assasinate a senior, albeit dissident, Soviet diplomat.
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