当前位置:首页 > 纪录片 >揭露圣战约翰恐怖分子的解剖/Unmasking Jihadi John Anatomy of a Terrorist

揭露圣战约翰恐怖分子的解剖/Unmasking Jihadi John Anatomy of a Terrorist

  • Anthony Wonke
  • 美国,英国
  • 0集
  • 2019
  • 90分钟
  • 0.00109
This feature documentary tells the inside story behind the hunt for ISIS poster boy Jihadi John by t……


          This feature documentary tells the inside story behind the hunt for ISIS poster boy Jihadi John by the US and British military and intelligence services. It interrogates the twisted worldview espoused by ISIS - the richest and most notorious Islamist terrorist organisation in history - and its propaganda machine which was operated by Jihadi millennials who turned social media sites such as Twitter and YouTube into recruitment platforms. This is the definitive story about the formation and collapse of ISIS as a state, told through extraordinary first-hand accounts of key counter-terrorism and intelligence officials who identified Jihadi John as British terrorist Mohammed Emwazi - and ultimately killed him. The film explores the shattered lives, emotional and psychological turmoil of the family members whose relatives were barbarically murdered by Emwazi. It also projects the astonishingly self-critical evaluations by CIA, Scotland Yard, and Pentagon officials who expose their ..
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