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巴塞罗那,夏日黄昏/巴塞罗那,夏夜,巴塞隆纳,我爱你(台),Barcelona Summer Night

  • 达尼·德拉奥尔登
  • 西班牙
  • 0集
  • 2013
  • 96分钟
  • 7.20109
In 2012 the comet Rose crossed the skies of the city of Barcelona and its magic that night caused 34……


          In 2012 the comet Rose crossed the skies of the city of Barcelona and its magic that night caused 346 love stories flourish. An atmosphere of dreams, hopes and desire mixed to give a special connection between people. From these stories six are the stars of the film. A dinner among friends with a love of life is coupled with a first time for miles. An encounter that can change their lives and revive old ties that clash with the discovery of a baby on the way. In parallel, the struggle between friendship and love strikes the last story, a clandestine love between gay athletes who have to make a tough decision.
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